Currency: Chilean Pesos
The best exchange rate can be found at
Simple way to calculate the exchange rate:
To determine how much something costs in dollar, the easiest method is to divide the amount in Chilean pesos by 900 (the average exchange rate for the month of July).
For example, if a large bottle of water costs 1,000 pesos, the price in reais would be 900 divided by 900 = 1.11 dollars
In Chile, with your credit or debit card enabled for international use, you can withdraw cash at any available ATM, such as those from Banco de Chile, Banco Estado, Santander, BCI, etc.
To make a withdrawal from your checking account or credit card, insert your card into the ATM and select the EXTRANJEROS option.
From there, choose your preferred language - Spanish or English - and proceed with the desired transaction.